July 16, 2010


Tonight I am sitting at my kitchen counter with a couple of lamps on, reading blogs and listening to the bugs outside hurling themselves against the glass of our back door. They seem extra desperate to get in. Maybe it's because there's not much of a moon, so they want the light that much more. Or maybe I'm just not used to being up this later, or it being this quiet.

Things are happening in my little world. Big, exciting, slightly scary (mostly because of how quickly they're happening) things.

Things that soon I might even be able to get my head around enough to write about. But there is much to look forward to.

July 7, 2010

Strange and new experiences

Wanna hear something funny? Something so quintessentially ridiculous it could only go on in my brain?

You know how I've been going on about how crazy and busy the last two months have been? It's nearing three months now. Every single weekend I've had some sort of plans where I've been out and about, and I don't just mean a quick jaunt to Target. And the one weekend where I didn't have plans, and was going to rest for the weekend, I got sick, and felt crappier on Monday morning than I did the Friday night before. And there's been plenty to do on the weeknights as well.

So I've been whining about how crazy things were, and I how I wish things would slow down, and it finally hit me. It's been so long since I was living the kind of life where I was busy on a regular basis. It's ok that I don't have hours to sit and read or watch DVDs for entire weekends. This isn't abnormal. It's not a bad thing.

This is what actually having a life feels like.

July 2, 2010

A blisteringly hot social life

It's Friday night and I'm fiddling around on the interwebs again.

I should be reading one of the four books I'm reading right now.

There are four again. I can't seem to help myself.